Swim Lessons

Register for Swim Lessons

  1. 1 in gold circle

    If you have not already, create a Fusion account.

    University of Missouri staff, faculty and students may use their University credentials to sign in.

    Create Your Account Now
  2. 2 in gold circle

    Log into Fusion and select Tiger Swim on the homepage.

  3. 3 in gold circle

    Select the level that best fits your needs.

  4. 4 in gold circle

    Choose a class date and time.

  5. 5 in gold circle

    Put in your information to start registering.

    When registering a family member (dependent), make sure to use their information. You can also add them to your account at this time.

Swim Lesson Levels

Adult Lessons (18+ years old)

Available levels:

  • Beginner: basic aquatic skills and swimming strokes, including the front crawl, breaststroke and elementary backstroke.
  • Intermediate: improve participants’ proficiency in basic aquatic skills and the six basic swimming strokes.
  • Advanced: refining the participant’s front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke strokes and turns, and building endurance.

  • Youth Lessons (6 months-17 years old)

    There are 10 levels of progression for group instruction modeled after the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program. This program has become a positive learning experience by utilizing a development of swimming and water safety skills in a logical progression. These classes are taught by both male and female college-aged instructors with years of teaching experience and certifications.


    Parking fees are assessed for all visitors wishing to park on campus between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday–Friday. Parking for our Tiger Swim program is located in hourly metered parking outside of the Virginia Avenue Parking Structure. The Virginia Avenue garage is located adjacent to the MU Student Recreation Complex off of Hitt Street. Parking is enforced 24 hours a day including disabled spaces, yellow curbs, fire lanes, loading zones, and reserved spaces including when classes are not in session.

    Arrival and Check-In

    Enter the facility through the main entrance (located across from the Virginia Avenue Parking Garage). Upon entering the facility, immediately turn left and then proceed through the four Mizzou Aquatic Center mezzanine doors. Please do not attempt to enter the building through the Membership Desk.

    This process only takes a few minutes per group. Swim lessons check in will begin 20 min before the start of each class time. After all participants, guardians, and guests are checked in by our Tiger Swim staff, they may proceed to the 50M or Tiger Grotto pool deck.

    Parent/Guardian Supervision

    A parent/guardian must supervise his/her child during the entire lesson for safety purposes. If a parent or guardian is not present on deck during the participant’s class, he/she will not be allowed to continue with the lesson.

    Questions? Contact Us
